Monday, December 14, 2015

Called to be a trainer.

Dear Family,
This has been a really fun week. There have been times where it has been crazy stressful, but it all comes together in the end, and Christ gives me a feeling of relief when it is all over.
So, we were able to fishing this last week in the ocean. That was a new thing for me, and I decided that I loved it! Pretty much anything fishing is very appealing to me :)
We had our Christmas zone conference on Tuesday and that was a blast! We got trained on a couple of new things, one of them being TiWi. A little black box that they put in all the mission cars that tells us when we are being stupid. It reminds us of the speed limit, and helps us to drive better. Being a missionary is way cool, because that type of thing would bug the crap out of me in any other situation, but the spirit was there when we were being taught about it, and we have taken it as a learning experience. :) It's actually pretty cool! But I don't want one on my truck. Hah

It has been pretty different being the companion of a missionary who is going home soon, because we have a lot of things to do. Not only are we doing our very best to find people to teach, we are also trying to get him prepared to go home. I've done it before, so I think I am a decent help ;) Haha
I am really going to miss Elder Wilbert when he leaves. He's an awesome friend, and we have grown very close.

We have a lot of work to do in this area, and I got called to be the trainer for another new missionary this coming Wednesday. A little nervous about it, but mainly excited to have the opportunity! I love new adventures, and I know this will be a good one. My main concern is that I didn't have much of a relationship with the ward and I would be left kind of alone, but every day I realize that this ward is just too good. Day by day I get closer with these people, and they help me know that things will be okay. Little things like putting an arm around me when we're walking in the hallway, and talking about all the fun things we'll be doing in the coming months. Got to talk with the bishop and a member of the stake presidency last night, and they are both way excited to be getting a new missionary in the area, so we can show him that success is normal on a mission. :) So cool. I love this area!
Something funny that happened this week is that we were on exchanges, so I was in my area with our district leader, and we were trying our best to use every second we had to be successful in my area. I didn't know very much about where to go or what to do, so we prayed right before we exchanged, and I knew where to go. We ended up biking about 15 minutes away from our apartment, and headed to a less active member's home, but before we got there, we got flagged over by these 3 guys about our age that were sitting outside smoking. They were smiling and laughing a little bit, and made both of us a little nervous that all they would want to do is bible bash. We talked to them for a little while, and ended up having a really cool lesson!
They had a lot of really good questions about what Mormons believe and how it all started. We taught about Joseph Smith seeing God and Jesus Christ in a vision and that that was how he was called. He was interested that we also believed that they weren't the same person.
They also asked about the 3 Kingdoms of Glory, and asked us to explain "why Jesus would teach that to people in America, but not in the Bible?" and when we opened to 1Corninthians 15 and read it with him, and it was fun to actually watch his eyes get wider and wider as he just stared at my iPad. They all changed demeanor while we were there, one straight up stood and walked off, and the other 2 kicked their beer cans aside and started listening. We were told to come back again next weekend. Should be fun :) haha
I hope stuff like that goes somewhere! It is kind of the story of our lives to have the coolest experiences with people but have nothing follow on their part. It was really frustrating at first, but I totally understand that I have done my part, and now it is between them and God :)
I love doing the work that we do though! It is just so much fun!

Being on a bike has been fun :) A lot of Elders complain about the fact that we have to bike around instead of being in a car, but If you are in a good area, biking is way fun and effective :) We get to talk to way more people.
Transfers are next week, and I will be a trainer! Wish my luck!
Love Y'all!!

Low Country Boil

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